General thoughts, rants and argumentativeness. All statements are my own and in no way reflect the views of the DOD, US Army or anyone else. etc. etc.etc.
I Will Pay $40.00 A Pound For My Fix. Or more If I Must
Published on December 4, 2005 By SSG Geezer In Humor
Scene from the community center last week....
Me: "HI! My name is Geezer, and I am an addict."
Group: "Hi Geezer!"
Me: "It all started when I was 5 and my mom gave me my first taste, she put some milk and sugar in it to make it more like a treat."
Group: "She did that when you were 5? That sounds like child abuse!"
Me: "Naw, I bugged her to let me have it. And after I started, I just couldn't stop, which has led to my budget busting habit 40 years later."
Me: " Heck, I started my kids out on it before they turned 3!"
Group: (Gasps)
Group: "How could you do that? We can't help you if you don't want help."
Me: "I know that and I was just here looking for suggestions on how to budget for the good stuff!"
Group: "We think you should leave now Geezer. Come back when you are serious about kicking your habit."
Me: "I don't want to quit!" {Pulls out a thermos of black gold} "If you want to try some, I have it right here!"
Group Leader: "OUT! NOW!"
Geezer departs smiling.

Now my habit isn't really one that requires a 12 step program, but there are times when it feels like an expensive monkey clawing my back. The accessories for my habit are not cheap, and if I am away from home I need to pay at least $2.00 or $3.00 a hit from varied dealers. I am doing my second hit of the day right now as I type this, I can feel my brain racing as it hits my system, Yes I love it and can't live without it.
Have you figured out what my addiction is yet?

It is gourmet coffee, my latest batch was a bargain at $39.50 a pound, two days after I ordered it it went up to $57.75 a pound.
Now $40.00 a pound may seem like a lot to pay for a habit that isn't illegal, but my addiction doesn't care.
It wanted the King of all coffees, The rare and highly desirable Jamaican blue Mountain. If you follow the links I have below you can see what requirements a coffee bean has to meet to become the smoothest cup of coffee I have ever tasted. With no bitterness at all no matter how strong I make it. In fact, for some folks the flavor may be too smooth since they have been ruined by drinking lousy coffee made from the cans they get at the supermarket or at your local Starsux. I will only drink that if nothing better is available.
I also won't tell you who my supplier is due to the rarity of my drug of choice, but you should have no large problem locating your own dealer through any search engine.

I hope that the hurricanes this year haven't ruined the crop since harvesting should be starting early next year.
It just so happens that my addiction requires a lot of labor by human hands, here is a photo of a woman picking out only the best of the best for my jones.

Some of the Estates that grow my addiction.

on Dec 04, 2005
on Dec 04, 2005

You need help man. I'm sure it started innocently enough. A little french roast on the weekend...No big deal! You can quit anytime right?

Then you moved onto heavier roasts...Kona, Tanzanian Peaberry....Then all of a sudden before you know it... You're mainlining Jamacian Blue Mountain in some alley with a bunch of rastafarians!

It's ok....I understand. I am afflicted with the same addiction....Just not at your level! ::

One question...At these they serve coffee?
on Dec 04, 2005
Decaf only.
on Dec 04, 2005
I like my coffee cheap, with lots of sugar, carbonated, ice cold and in a can labeled Pepsi or Coke.

$40 bucks a pound is pretty good. Usually addictive products from Jamaica, Columbia or Brazil cost so much more.
on Dec 06, 2005
40 bucks a pound is pretty good. Usually addictive products from Jamaica, Columbia or Brazil cost so much more.

But a legal product??? Seems steep until you go to those sites and see how little JBM there really is.
on Dec 06, 2005
As you know, I am an artifical sweetener fiend. Or is it the caramel coloring?

I could nurse a three-liter bottle of Diet Coke (thank Gord for Wal-Mart!) for a couple of days, three days tops.
on Dec 06, 2005
Too bad it goes flat 17 seconds after you open it. lol
on Dec 13, 2005
I could nurse a three-liter bottle of Diet Coke for a couple of days, three days tops.

Whereas I'm a 12-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper/day fiend.
on Dec 14, 2005
I got a referral on this one, it was Rastafarians in Kona That is a interesting linkage by google, Coffee addicts and Rasta.
on Dec 23, 2005
Whereas I'm a 12-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper/day fiend.

Ditto, less the diet. Although I'm reformed at the moment. We'll see how long that lasts........