General thoughts, rants and argumentativeness. All statements are my own and in no way reflect the views of the DOD, US Army or anyone else. etc. etc.etc.
My Love Hate Relationship With The Military Part 2
Published on October 23, 2004 By SSG Geezer In Misc
If you can remember way back in August, I wrote a blog on some of the things that I disliked about being in the military, Here is the other side with
the preface of the previous article immediately below.
After 17+ years in military service, 4 years USMC, and 13 more in the US Army I figured this would be as good a place as any to throw out a few statements regarding military service. Disclaimer: Not all "Loves" or "Hates" will apply for all users but many things will be similar.
I'll start with the easy ones. Stick around for part 2 tho' I may surprise you. I doubt it but hey... here it is, part 2.....

1. I have found that for learning about people from all walks of life, there is nothing better than shared suffering and shared satisfaction of a job well done. you also get to learn a lot of things that make people individuals, and a lot of what makes them similar.

2. Although the starting salary is not exactly high, I can say that there has never been a time when I worried about whether or not I could feed my family. (And i cannot honestly say that about my civilian experience.)

3. I have traveled to 47 of the 50 states, either on duty or en-route to them. This gives you a better overall picture of America.
(Yes it's still outside the window, not in a can Chip)

4. I have had the privelege of visiting 8 foreign nations either as part of my duties or in my free time.

Now let us get down to the real nitty gritty of the good things.

5. I get to work with a group of soldiers who's average intelligence dwarfs the population of most major universities. Now that fact doesn't make them any easier to work with but it sure makes the talk in the break area a whole lot more interesting than most places.
(That is, as long as they stay away from the Homo-eroticism.)

6. 1SG Case, 1LT Wells, CSM Robb, CSM Golden, SGM Guley, and to many other leaders who have taught me a great many things, even if i don't always do it the exact way you taught me, hey, I'm trying. I only hoped you learned something from me.

7. The soldiers I work with, grey, pseudo, SPC NBS, Talisein, and all the other pseudonym soldiers you have come to know on the pages of JU. To work with professionals who are firm in their belief that the job they do is important enough to do right, for the good of their fellows and our nation.

8. When I talk to my Sons and they wish I was with them, but they know what I do is important and know that the job my soldiers and I do makes their home a safer place to be.

9. The fact that I do believe in the Constitution of the United States of America, and know that what I do helps to support it, along with all that it entails.

on Oct 23, 2004
(That is, as long as they stay away from the Homo-eroticism.)

You notice that I didn't bring it up first......but while you're at it.......

My Love Hat Relationship With The Military

What does your love hat look like exactly???
on Oct 23, 2004
Awesome post, SSG.
on Oct 23, 2004

Geez, this was great.  Too often I hear people bitching about what's wrong with the military, how they hate it and it sucks and they can't wait to get out.  This is a very nice change from that.

I particularly identified with the 'being able to feed your family' line.  I know what you mean.

on Oct 23, 2004
The only reason I didn't have that worry was a family safety net in the town we lived in, but even as an E-3 in Monterey Ca. we could pay the bills and even go out occasionally.
SPC NBS~ I fixed it. So worry about your own love Hat!
on Oct 23, 2004
Awww . . . I wanted to see your love hat, too . . .
on Oct 24, 2004
Very nice post. There are so many things that I love about the service, too. You've touched on most of them here. Thanks for this!
on Oct 24, 2004
Glad to see you back too! A very good article.
It's funny but those things never leave you. Even though I've been retired from the Army ,(8 USMC, 15 Army, some USMC IRR time too according to my DD 214, but that's another story!), for a little over a year now, it's still a big part of my life. I don't see it ending anytime soon. My wife still has about 2 years left to retirement (Army...although she's up for 1SG and may go longer if SGM looks likely), and my son went Active Army after 2 years as a 13 Gun Bunny in the ARNG. He's out at wonderful downtown Ft. Huachuca, AZ being taught the secrets of MI (yeah right, unhuh!). I ended up working for MPRI (Civilian contractor filling Army positions with retired Officers and Senior NCOs) working as a MEPS Guidance Counselor (can't believe I'm doing that again!). Even here in midwest suburbia we have so many uniforms visiting the house that the neighbors think it's a secret Army installation! Remind me to tell you about the Paladin 155 SP parked in front of the house sometime!
I value the lessons learned and the mentorship I received over the years that I often still seek the advice of one of my SGMs (Ret) that lives a few miles from here. I'm glad to see the torch is being passed. Hang tough bro. They may be able to kill you, but they can't eat you!
on Oct 24, 2004
Congratulations on a very positive post. It was insightful to me. Keep it coming.
on Oct 24, 2004
It IS very nice to hear positive things about the Army. I'm glad you've posted again. Keep it up.

I envy you for #5