General thoughts, rants and argumentativeness. All statements are my own and in no way reflect the views of the DOD, US Army or anyone else. etc. etc.etc.
You Know You Are Old When.......
Published on August 24, 2004 By SSG Geezer In Humor
As you may know if you have read this blog before, I am a geezer, (note the lower case)
but I am biologically not in what are more commonly referred to as the Geezer age group.
Here is a little questionaire for you. Feel free to post your own too so I can ID some more geezers.
You might be a Geezer if:

1. You are old enough to be a parent of 90%+ of your day to day co-workers.

2. You need help standing up after spending more than 5 minutes sitting cross-legged.

3. Trip-hop, Hip-hop and like music just make you think of crummy Disco. (Which still sucks)

4. When your kids are taller than you and will soon be able to take the car keys when they want to.

5. When you go out to eat ,and you wish you could eat off the seniors menu, but can't.

6. When you need reading glasses and distance glasses for driving. (Or bifocals)

7. When you long for the simple days, when there was only one choice of Cable TV packages.

8. When you long for the day when there was no cable TV. (not mee I love ESPN)

9. When you don't really give a rats ass about any sports figure except to laugh when they are jailed.

10. You think that no one could ever be that naive when uttering a politically inclined pronouncement.

11. You liked Hubert Humphrey. (A great Minnesotan!)

Leave me more since my brain is numb from work.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 24, 2004
I'm sorry to say that I don't think I qualify for a geezership just yet Or should that be "geezess-ship"?!

on Aug 24, 2004
Ariadne, I'm glad. Any new ones?
12. When you stand up in the AM and it feels as though evil Gnomes are pounding your feet with sledgehammers. (Infantry)
on Aug 24, 2004
I don't think I'm really qualified as a geezer either, but I do identify with
9. When you don't really give a rats ass about any sports figure except to laugh when they are jailed.

That might have something to do with the whole no tv thing, though.
on Aug 24, 2004
I only agreed with two of them.....I guess that means im in pre geezerhood!
on Aug 24, 2004
You think that no one could ever be that naive when uttering a politically inclined pronouncement.

I think that about most folks, self included. P.S. did they even have a Minnesota when you were little?
on Aug 24, 2004
Yikes! 6 out of 11. guess I am a geezer after all.

13. When the hangovers now last longer than the work day.
on Aug 24, 2004
14. When you know EXACTLY what the consequences of eating or drinking certain things will be. "How close are we to the bathroom? 30 feet? Okay, I'll have the spicy nacho dip."
on Aug 24, 2004
15. When you get up in the morning and can't put your socks on! (because your back won't bend to let you reach your feet)
on Aug 24, 2004
13, 14 and 15 LMAO! You guys made me cry. Please think of more for me.
Dang mason Only 6
on Aug 24, 2004
16. You make that "Ooof!" noise when attempting to get out of a low chair!

and maybe 17. You enter a room, only to forget why!

These affect me now, so maybe they're not just for the realm of the Geezess
on Aug 25, 2004
18. When you actually consider the hangover before you go out and party, and seriously think about whether it's worth it. (Or worse yet, decide it's not!)
on Aug 25, 2004

because your back won't bend to let you reach your feet

Or your beer gut in my case (and chips)

on Aug 25, 2004
When you go out to eat ,and you wish you could eat off the seniors menu, but can't

ssg geezer, i always want to eat off the 'kids' menu. they get all the good stuff like hamburgers and battered fish. what does that say about me ?. am i a regressing-geezer, perhaps ?

When you actually consider the hangover before you go out and party, and seriously think about whether it's worth it. (Or worse yet, decide it's not!)

how about when you feel like death on a saturday morning, even though nothing happened the night before ?.

or when you wake up in the morning with a pain in your body or a pulled muscle, and all you did to get it was sleep funny !.

vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 25, 2004

i prefer to think of myself as a 'classic'  but...

19.  when you can remember...

(i was gonna say 'ill have to get back to you about that' but i think it's funnier without the punchline)

on Aug 25, 2004
I'm a geezer

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