General thoughts, rants and argumentativeness. All statements are my own and in no way reflect the views of the DOD, US Army or anyone else. etc. etc.etc.
My Love hate Relationship With the Service Part 1
Published on August 5, 2004 By SSG Geezer In Misc
After 17+ years in military service, 4 years USMC, and 13 more in the US Army I figured this would be as good a place as any to throw out a few statements regarding military service. Disclaimer: Not all "Loves" or "Hates" will apply for all users but many things will be similar.
I'll start with the easy ones. Stick around for part 2 tho' I may surprise you. I doubt it but hey...
Missing 7 of my oldest sons 15 birthdays due to field deployments or overseas tours.

Missing 7 of my youngest sons 11 birthdays due to field deployments or overseas tours, to include the real important one, I met him at 4.5 months.

Living apart from my sons because there is no way that they want to live on or near another base.

How my feet make my want to scream from the pain when I stand up every morning.

Waking up well before sunrise to do physical training in clouds of mosquitos, pollution, ticks, chiggers, fireants,hail, snow and other plagues.

People from another skill set thinking they "know" what I do at work. (Most often in the officer ranks) you don't so STFU!

Senior people thinking that since they reached the lordly rank of E-9/ LTC they should use us like servants/lackeys who exist to do their bidding.

2 LTs who think they know anything without being told by me. (Not You LT Russ)

Asskissers- See greywars blog for more details.

Crap the Army bought from the "Low bidder" that doesn't do what it's supposed to.

People who joined the military for the college money and have never even read the Constitution of the United States. but they swore too!

People who are too f-ing stupid to refuse an illegal order. Leashes and digital cameras, what morons.

Junior soldiers who go " thar" when they are told to do a simple task. (you look it up I don't know how to link to this yet : ( )

MREs- they call them "meals rejected by Ethiopians" for a reason. But still better than T-rats.

Traveling on military charters, Only steerage class for us thanks! But better than a C-130.

This could go on for quite awhile but it would get very nit-picky and i want to get part 2 in my head because there are actually a lot of things that I like about being in the service.

on Aug 05, 2004
Asskissers- See greywars blog for more details.

Did you just call greywar an asskisser? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Sorry, just kidding. I just couldn't help myself on that one...
on Aug 05, 2004
Crap the Army bought from the "Low bidder" that doesn't do what it's supposed to.

Being a defense contractor I can certainly agree with this frustration. There have been more than on instance where I was asked to estimate work effort for a project, and be told that I need to lower my estimate to a particular number so we can underbid the low-quality assclowns that would get the contracts otherwise. Then we get to work unpaid overtime to make those numbers work.
on Aug 05, 2004
I MTFO'ed for the STFU.

I had to frown at the comments about your kids. You've always spoken so fondly of them.
on Aug 05, 2004
Oh yeah CS,
then they screw it up and to get it to work they have to get approval for overtime, wich of course has to come out of the project or unit's budget somewhere, leaving me with empty skillcraft pens to write with, no new tires for my Humvee, and a bad attitude from being told to "work with what we've got" And you can't tell your boss "stfu". It gets expensive if you do.
on Aug 05, 2004
MTFO'ed???? You can't always take leave from 2ID or SUSLAK, or 3 MI when you want to. remember them thar' NK's have been acting up quite a bit in the last 15 years. I also have to try to get there for Yuletime family things and have done a pretty good job of that. I Hate that I HAVE to miss them!
on Aug 06, 2004

  But still better than T-rats.

I loved T-rat eggs.

on Aug 06, 2004
Apparently, I've been using a mildly corrupted definition for MTFO, so I'll refrain from using it again before I master it.
What I meant was, "You had me cheering like a n00b when you said STFU."

I've been really lucky with the birthday thing, but I haven't been in nearly as long as you, Geez.
on Aug 07, 2004
not here at our unit, our stuff always works, and such good quality too, like those great chairs, or the 40,000 dollar computer monitors, and has anyone seen where i left my deed to the brooklyn bridge?
on Aug 07, 2004
I think it was spindled onto one of the lightning rods by the vans.
on Sep 13, 2004
I'm still clueless to your true identity... drop me a line, grey has my e-mail address, even if he doesn't know what to do with it.

on Sep 13, 2004
SSG Geezer,

Why did you join the Army those may years ago....and was it what you expected??
on Sep 13, 2004
Stop *loss*, whip.

Y'know, some may be wondering where the promised other half of this article is, but I've seen Geez at work, and I don't wonder any longer...
on Sep 13, 2004
Missing 7 of my oldest sons 15 birthdays due to field deployments or overseas tours.

Missing 7 of my youngest sons 11 birthdays due to field deployments or overseas tours, to include the real important one, I met him at 4.5 months.

Living apart from my sons because there is no way that they want to live on or near another base.

ssg geezer, i can only imagine the sacrifices you've made. just these alone were enough to convince me i would never have your courage or strength of will. i found this very interesting and i'm looking forward to the next article.

vanessa/mig XX