With all of the hullaballoo about which candidate is:
A. A War Criminal
B. A Hero for all to admire
C. A Deserter
D. A Phony
I decided to clue you in to a person who I had the privilege of serving with in the Second Infantry Division in the Republic of Korea.
Not a politician but a real person.
His name, Tommy Ray Franks. General, US Army Retired.
You may know him from his recent interviews on Cable TV, or from his press conferences when he was Commander of Central Command leading US and Coalition forces during the Afghanistan war and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Now to the left he may embody the conservative militaristic Boogie-Man of their nightmares but those who have met this man know that he is a person who is compassionate, caring, intelligent and someone who is a fine role model for anyone to emulate.
These traits come out with whomever he speaks with, Private, Sergeant, Colonel, or civilian. His book is available at most retail shops and if you would like an idea about how a great man thinks, get a hold of a copy and read it. He may even bring tears to your eyes a time or two.
He may bring back the feelings of anger that many of us had on 9/11, I know I felt it.
He's a no B.S. kind of guy who knows that loyalty and respect work in both directions, this is the quality that makes him a hero and a leader.
Read it and let me know.